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About Us

“Creativity takes courage” (Henri Matiss) 

Culture & Art Institutions Forum in Israel

The Culture & Art Institutions Forum in Israel (CAIFI) was founded in 2007 by a group of Cultural Managers who identified the need to create a forum that will serve a wide spectrum of needs for the Arts, mainly improving the communication with government offices. Today, it represents over 150 non-for-profit entities (members of the forum) from all cultural fields across Israel.

The formal activities of CAIFI are complemented by numerous informal consultation groups of the various cultural disciplines (dance, theatre, museums, music, art schools, etc.).

CAIFI regularly collaborates with the Arab Cultural Associations Forum, with which we set out to fight for common goals, as well as most of the cultural organizations in Israel, with whom we work to advance culture and arts in Israel.

CAIFI is chaired by Danny Weiss, the Director of the MediaTek – one of the largest Cultural centers in Israel. Iris Ronly Riklis is the General l Manager.

The team works throughout the year hand in hand with a government relations specialist.

Mission statement:

Promoting and strengthening Culture and Art in Israel.

Amongst our objectives:

    • Increase state support for culture in accordance with UNESCO’s recommendations: 1% of the government budget.
    • Promoting cultural education.
    • Strengthening and establishing cultural and artistic institutions throughout the country in all arts forms.
    • Promoting and expanding grants and support from private and public foundations.
    • Encouraging collaborations locally and internationally.
    • Maintaining and advancing professional relationship with the Ministry of Arts and Culture.
    • Maintaining continuous contact with the various additional government ministries: Finance, Foreign Affairs, Law etc.
    • Strengthening the understanding of culture as a necessity among the public.
    • Creating opportunities to expose Israeli culture, art, and creativity worldwide.
    • Advance the equal right for arts and culture in the periphery.
    • Enhancing government support and relations with independent creators – as they are the future.
    • Improving safety conditions and work environment on stages.
    • Promoting entrepreneurship – creating the future generation of general and artistic managers for cultural and artistic institutions.


    • Round tables with government officials in different subjects.
    • Tailor-made tours in cultural institutes for government officials – exposing them to creative environments.
    • Safety guidance instructions manual for venues and stages.
    • Arts Management and capacity building seminars in a variety of subjects.
    • Strategy consulting.
    • Team training sessions with professionals from a wide range of disciplines.
    • Ongoing information channel for all members.


Contact details:


Phone: 0544466165